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Italian Cooking Oil -
Pleases Tilt the Olive Oil Bottle at a 45-Degree Angle
Chapter 1: Italian cooking oil - please tilt the olive oil bottle at a 45- degree angle.
Crystal-clear and healthy green gold:
Extracted from the original juice of fresh olive fruit after the first cold-press process to avoid spoiling its taste, Extra Virgin Olive Oil is the best cooking oil we insist on using.
It is extensively used in Pasadena's cold dishes. The crystal-clear green bottle speaks for the freshness and energy of the oil. From Pasadena's olive oil-dipped handmade bread to olive oil-dressed salad appetizers, they deliver a fresh and energetic natural aroma.
So tilt the bottle at a 45-degree angle. Use it lavishly. Because it's natural, original and unrefined, Extra Virgin Olive Oil contains the most natural nutrients. "You may enjoy it as much as you like without putting on weight. "
Quality oil can improve the taste of quality cuisine:
Comparing to food cooked with common cooking oils, food cooked with olive oil is filled with a special aroma. So, at Pasadena, we insist on using quality olive oil to cook every hot dish. The mild and pure olive scent surely lights up all dishes of food as if they are bathed in Mediterranean sunshine.