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媽媽的味道,「AL DANTE」好彈牙:
義大利人每人每年都要吃掉六十磅的義大利麵,平均一個禮拜五餐麵食。所有的義大利人都會告訴你,麵要好吃,得有「AL DANTE」彈牙的口感,麵本身充滿個性,好像正在和牙齒作一種互動彈力般,還充滿了麥香。其中祕訣在於一得食物對勁,製作有堅持,二得煮得有訣竅。
Discovering the Pleasure
of Food Materials
Chapter 1: Use the right material to get the right taste !
An Italian eats 60 pounds of pasta per year or 5 meals of pasta per week on average.
Durum Wheat Flour is the source of the "AL DANTE" taste: To get the authentic "AL DANTE" taste, Pasadena saves no times and effort in producing handmade pasta. Despite the increased cost of imported food materials, we insist on making fresh pasta every day. We use wheat flour only, and we use fresh whole eggs instead of liquid egg. Most importantly, we add Durum Wheat Flour imported from Italy to create the right "AL DANTE" taste.
Because it's fresh, you don't have to wait to enjoy the great taste:
It might amaze you to find that you don't have to wait to enjoy the great taste of fresh pasta. "Because it's fresh and moist, it takes less time to cook than dried pasta. We add pasta as soon as the water boils and remove the pasta from the boiling water after one minute."
Pasadena's squid ink spaghetti, egg pasta, spinach pasta and ravioli are all handmade and offered in limited supply daily.