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得趁新品嚐的水嫩美味 - 莫札瑞拉乳酪:
厚度剛好,就能擁有美味 - 手工特製比薩:
Only Experienced Chefs Know
How to Create the Best Taste of Food
Chapter 3: Only Experienced Chefs Know How to Create the Best Taste of Food.
King of cheese tasting - the great taste of freshly grated Parmesan Cheese:
In Italy, Parmesan Cheese is an indispensable role of every meal. At Pasadena, the use of Parmesan Cheese is even more precise. It should be stored carefully at a correct temperature to avoid spoiling or hardening and served at a table. At a table, Parmesan Cheese is grated with a grater into shreds to fall on a plate directly. It is because we insist on providing customers with the best taste.
The fresh and tender taste of Mozzarella Cheese:
According to requirement, Mozzarella Cheese is produced from buffalo milk in southern Italy, has a thin outer skin "as delicate and glossy as bone china" and maintains an elastic and tensile solid shape. Due to its delicacy, Mozzarella Cheese is kept fresh in a sealed bag of whey or brine water. Pasadena never avoids troublesome food preparation steps. We do not use dry cheese. We believe that as long as it is fresh enough, it can be grated directly, mixed with tomato and basil and topped with olive oil dressing to become the most classical Italian appetizer.
Keep the right thickness to get the best taste of handmade pizza:
As long as pizza dough is kept at the right thickness, it will deliver the best taste. Every afternoon, Pasadena's chefs roll dough carefully. During dough fermentation period, the room temperature is kept at 36 Celsius degree. Dough is left to rise for one hour and then, perforated with a fork to release the air inside. The thickness of dough is controlled at 0.3 cm so it will become the just-right 0.5 cm after baking. In this way, the pizza dough and pizza filling placed into the oven can get the right doneness and taste after baking.